My story

I sewed my first garment in August 2020, with the help of my mother. From there was born my passion for sewing. During these few years, I learned sewing with the help of books and videos, but also by exchanging with other enthusiasts. The desire to create my own models grew in me, but access to training in the field of fashion is quite limited in the Montpellier region.

Curious and determined by nature, I decided to learn model making on my own. I had the frustration of sewing models that I liked, but in which I did not feel comfortable enough to wear them on a daily basis, since they were not adapted to my morphology.

Evelyne Patterns was born from the desire to make clothes accessible to all women that they would never have thought they could claim. It is important to me that every woman feels beautiful and free in her clothes. I want the women who sew my models to wear them proudly and never again say to themselves that this garment is not made for them.